After a short lesson in “Insta”, as my young and hip nephew calls it, this old bugger is also active on Instagram! Sometimes a picture says more than a 1000 words so to say. Please follow me there! See the link below.
After a short lesson in “Insta”, as my young and hip nephew calls it, this old bugger is also active on Instagram! Sometimes a picture says more than a 1000 words so to say. Please follow me there! See the link below.
Oh nooooes!! Today ‘insta’, tomorrow ‘twitter’, facebook and whatsapp and by next week you’ll be a ‘snowflake’ demanding pipe smoking be forbidden in public for the sake of the ‘kinderen’ and I shall have to disavow knowing you.
😛 Easy, easy Adi, I am trying to go along with my time. Sometimes I am somewhere or I am smoking something that I think is worth mentioning but that the experience is not enough for a proper blogpost. Since the end of last year I have a smartphone, I always had those Nokia bricks that you can knock people out with. But in this day and age.. *sighs* Twitter is something I don’t do but I am also on Facebook (although not as the Dutch Pipe Smoker, just under my own name) and WhatsApp is just handy, the new SMS. So sorry that this “old” fart is trying to learn some new tricks 😉