I throughly enjoy reading your blog. I have a question based on your posts. In the past you have remarked, based on your personal contact with them, that Kolhase & Kopp do not actually manufacture flakes in house. Yet they seem to offer quite a lot of them under the various brands they manufacture for. I know that Peterson changed their supplier to Mac Baren, then K&K continued to offer the flakes originally sold under the Peterson name, now under the K&K name. Do they just buy in bulk from Mac Baren and repackage? Just what is the whole story about Kolhase & Kopp and flakes?
AUTHOR: Gene E Mccluney
AUTHOR EMAIL: gmacfilm@live.com
SUBJECT: [] About / Contact
[1_Name] => Gene E Mccluney
[2_Email] => gmacfilm@live.com
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => I throughly enjoy reading your blog. I have a question based on your posts. In the past you have remarked, based on your personal contact with them, that Kolhase & Kopp do not actually manufacture flakes in house. Yet they seem to offer quite a lot of them under the various brands they manufacture for. I know that Peterson changed their supplier to Mac Baren, then K&K continued to offer the flakes originally sold under the Peterson name, now under the K&K name. Do they just buy in bulk from Mac Baren and repackage? Just what is the whole story about Kolhase & Kopp and flakes?