Hi Arno,
I have found your blog site and read quite a bit of it. Very interesting!
I am a 73 year old woman living in England.
I started smoking a pipe in my thirties, following in my Father’s footsteps
So to speak.
Then I gave up smoking for about twenty or thirty years because
Riding a bike was my mode of transport!
Now last year I started smoking a pipe again to relax!
And am enjoying it greatly. I like Aromatics mostly.
Of course when I compare myself with your blog, I am a modest
What really interests me is, do your from other female pipe smokers
or are they a rare creature?
Hope you may have the time for a reply.
Good wishes and friendly regards,
Juliane Longden
AUTHOR: Juliane Longden
AUTHOR EMAIL: julianelongden159@btinternet.com
SUBJECT: [] About / Contact
[1_Name] => Juliane Longden
[2_Email] => julianelongden159@btinternet.com
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => Hi Arno,
I have found your blog site and read quite a bit of it. Very interesting!
I am a 73 year old woman living in England.
I started smoking a pipe in my thirties, following in my Father’s footsteps
So to speak.
Then I gave up smoking for about twenty or thirty years because
Riding a bike was my mode of transport!
Now last year I started smoking a pipe again to relax!
And am enjoying it greatly. I like Aromatics mostly.
Of course when I compare myself with your blog, I am a modest
What really interests me is, do your from other female pipe smokers
or are they a rare creature?
Hope you may have the time for a reply.
Good wishes and friendly regards,
Juliane Longden
[entry_title] => About / Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://dutchpipesmoker.wordpress.com/about/
[feedback_id] => 42774dd354caf7b3d19b9f378be9f8df