Hello Arno,
Really enjoy your blog, specifically the very well done post on Semois tobacco that I just came across. The photos are beautiful. Did you take them yourself?
The reason for my email is actually about the photos on your Semois post. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind letting me use some of your photos on our website? We would give full photo credit of course for each image used. I haven’t had the pleasure of going to the Ardennes Valley to snap some of my own :/. Please let me know if that’s ok with you. Thanks!
All the best,
AUTHOR: Jonathan Guirguis
AUTHOR EMAIL: jon@thepipeguys.com
AUTHOR URL: http://thepipeguys.com
SUBJECT: [] About / Contact
[Name] => Jonathan Guirguis
[Email] => jon@thepipeguys.com
[Website] => thepipeguys.com
[Comment] => Hello Arno,
Really enjoy your blog, specifically the very well done post on Semois tobacco that I just came across. The photos are beautiful. Did you take them yourself?
The reason for my email is actually about the photos on your Semois post. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind letting me use some of your photos on our website? We would give full photo credit of course for each image used. I haven’t had the pleasure of going to the Ardennes Valley to snap some of my own :/. Please let me know if that’s ok with you. Thanks!
All the best,