As a restorer and seller of estate pipes, I first heard the name Gubbels a couple of months ago while researching an Amphora I found in more than the usual woeful condition. So battered was the poor thing that I was only able to identify its maker by the distinctive mark on the bit. I believed everything I found online at the time, all of which stated that E. Gubbels & Sons declared bankruptcy in 2012. End of story, it would seem. Then I finished restoring an Albertson, only to learn it, also, is a Gubbels second. Imagine my surprise when I at last came across your site, specifically your blog on the Inter Tabac 2015 ( and discovered a whole new world of truth about the venerable company, the rumors of the death of which were greatly exaggerated!
My only problem now is that I can find no information whatsoever on the time period in which Albertson pipes were made. Could you possibly enlighten me on this matter? I am a frequent blogger for Steve Laug of Reborn Pipes, which I notice is listed in your links. We both share an obsessive need to research ALL of the details of a pipe, and the year(s) Albertson pipes were made is, to me, a big piece of the puzzle. I am grateful for all of the holes you so nicely filled in about the background of the house of Gubbels. That brings me to another request: would you grant me permission to re-publish the parts of your blog noted above concerning Gubbels on Reborn Pipes? Under your name, of course, and noted as “excerpted from…” although Gubbels seemed to form the majority of that particular piece of great work.
Robert M. Boughton
Roadrunner Restored Pipes
AUTHOR: Robert M. Boughton
SUBJECT: [] About / Contact
[1_Name] => Robert M. Boughton
[2_Email] =>
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => As a restorer and seller of estate pipes, I first heard the name Gubbels a couple of months ago while researching an Amphora I found in more than the usual woeful condition. So battered was the poor thing that I was only able to identify its maker by the distinctive mark on the bit. I believed everything I found online at the time, all of which stated that E. Gubbels & Sons declared bankruptcy in 2012. End of story, it would seem. Then I finished restoring an Albertson, only to learn it, also, is a Gubbels second. Imagine my surprise when I at last came across your site, specifically your blog on the Inter Tabac 2015 ( and discovered a whole new world of truth about the venerable company, the rumors of the death of which were greatly exaggerated!
My only problem now is that I can find no information whatsoever on the time period in which Albertson pipes were made. Could you possibly enlighten me on this matter? I am a frequent blogger for Steve Laug of Reborn Pipes, which I notice is listed in your links. We both share an obsessive need to research ALL of the details of a pipe, and the year(s) Albertson pipes were made is, to me, a big piece of the puzzle. I am grateful for all of the holes you so nicely filled in about the background of the house of Gubbels. That brings me to another request: would you grant me permission to re-publish the parts of your blog noted above concerning Gubbels on Reborn Pipes? Under your name, of course, and noted as “excerpted from…” although Gubbels seemed to form the majority of that particular piece of great work.
Robert M. Boughton
Roadrunner Restored Pipes