Hello Arno,
I have run across your website a number of times while researching tobacco and enjoy your articles.
I wonder if you might be able to help me regarding a particular company that produces pipe tobacco. The company is Planta. I recently bought a large box of various tins of tobacco (sealed) and one of the tins is called Planta Anno MMI. I have tried to find information on the internet regarding this particular tobacco but have been unsuccessful. I did find the Planta website but unfortunately I only speak English (Canada). I am relatively new to pipe smoking but am enjoying the adventure! Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
Maurice Labarge
AUTHOR: Maurice Labarge
AUTHOR EMAIL: mlabarge@sympatico.ca
SUBJECT: [] About / Contact
[1_Name] => Maurice Labarge
[2_Email] => mlabarge@sympatico.ca
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => Hello Arno,
I have run across your website a number of times while researching tobacco and enjoy your articles.
I wonder if you might be able to help me regarding a particular company that produces pipe tobacco. The company is Planta. I recently bought a large box of various tins of tobacco (sealed) and one of the tins is called Planta Anno MMI. I have tried to find information on the internet regarding this particular tobacco but have been unsuccessful. I did find the Planta website but unfortunately I only speak English (Canada). I am relatively new to pipe smoking but am enjoying the adventure! Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
Maurice Labarge
[entry_title] => About / Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://dutchpipesmoker.wordpress.com/about/
[feedback_id] => 8f9bef2af4c10e126fb1821d106fc3a4