Hi Arno, Really enjoy reading your blog and your adventures.
I am writing you from Jakarta, Indonesia. Do you happen to have the contact of Markus Fohr who makes the clay pipes ? I read on your blog that you purchased some clay pipes. I am interested in purchasing some to make it available here in Indonesia.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
AUTHOR EMAIL: asiansmokeshop@gmail.com
AUTHOR URL: http://www.asiansmokeshop.com
SUBJECT: [Dutch Pipe Smoker] About / Contact
[1_Name] => Hary
[2_Email] => asiansmokeshop@gmail.com
[3_Website] => http://www.asiansmokeshop.com
[4_Comment] => Hi Arno, Really enjoy reading your blog and your adventures.
I am writing you from Jakarta, Indonesia. Do you happen to have the contact of Markus Fohr who makes the clay pipes ? I read on your blog that you purchased some clay pipes. I am interested in purchasing some to make it available here in Indonesia.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => About / Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://dutchpipesmoker.com/about/
[feedback_id] => debd140a3e42cc86d8c76903d01fc4e8