I’d like to create a piece about learning how to slam dunk with your kids.
I believe that doing research on this subject and writing an article on it would be a lot of fun. Nowadays, it’s easy to find basketball goals in neighborhood parks that are kid-sized or adjustable, giving you and your kids the chance to exercise while developing your skills to become the next NBA superstar.
Please let me know if you think this piece could earn a spot on your website as a guest article. I can’t wait to start writing for you.
Thank you very much!
Jason Kenner
“I’m just a dad trying to be a good parent.” 🙂
―If you’d like to suggest a different topic, please do so. I’m happy to write on whatever topic is the best fit for your website. Don’t want to hear from me again? Please let me know.
AUTHOR: jason
AUTHOR EMAIL: jason@onparparent.com
SUBJECT: [Dutch Pipe Smoker] About / Contact
[1_Name] => jason
[2_Email] => jason@onparparent.com
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] =>
I’d like to create a piece about learning how to slam dunk with your kids.
I believe that doing research on this subject and writing an article on it would be a lot of fun. Nowadays, it’s easy to find basketball goals in neighborhood parks that are kid-sized or adjustable, giving you and your kids the chance to exercise while developing your skills to become the next NBA superstar.
Please let me know if you think this piece could earn a spot on your website as a guest article. I can’t wait to start writing for you.
Thank you very much!
Jason Kenner
“I’m just a dad trying to be a good parent.” 🙂
―If you’d like to suggest a different topic, please do so. I’m happy to write on whatever topic is the best fit for your website. Don’t want to hear from me again? Please let me know.
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => About / Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://dutchpipesmoker.com/about/
[feedback_id] => f65070f5373b3ef0f0f77f2e47cd899b